It does not affect me
It does not affect me

it does not affect me

Research indicates that there may even be a genetic reason for that. Short-sleepers: Some people naturally need less sleep than others.Night owls/late risers: Some people prefer to go to bed and wake up late.Early birds/early risers: Some people naturally prefer to go to bed and wake up early.Because of these variations, experts consider a wide range of sleep characteristics “normal.” Some examples of this include: Sleep habits and needs can be very different from person to person. How sleep needs and habits vary and what that means for you Experts do know that when you don’t sleep enough, it can cause sleep deprivation, which is usually unpleasant (at the very least) and keeps you from functioning at your best. Your body needs sleep for many reasons (and science is still unlocking an understanding of why sleep is so important to your body). The reasons why insomnia happens can vary just as widely. For others, insomnia can be a major disruption. For some people, insomnia is a minor inconvenience. That can mean you aren’t sleeping enough, you aren’t sleeping well or you’re having trouble falling or staying asleep. Insomnia is when you aren’t sleeping as you should. Some of the effects become dangerous when insomnia is severe or long-lasting. Over time, the effects can grow and become severe.

it does not affect me

Insomnia is when you have trouble sleeping.

It does not affect me